Notice of Taxes Due

June 21, 2019

A message to Taxpayers:

Bills were delayed this year, as they cannot be prepared until after the Town Budget is approved at the Town Meeting.  Bills should be delivered by the end of next week, and will be available online early next week.  Taxes are due and payable on July 1st, and are considered "on-time" as long as they are paid by August 1st.  Payment must be received in office or bear a US Postmark by August 1st.

As in past years, the Tax Collector is conducting a Food Drive in support of the Bridgewater Food Pantry.  Donations may be brought to Town Hall.  Thank you for supporting this annual effort.

If you have any questions, you may contact the Office of the Tax Collector at 860-355-9220.


Catherine B. Vikstrom, CCMC
Tax Collector